Be Part of Team Physiatry

Team Physiatry is your PM&R community—the one you lean on for mentorship, education, inspiration, and guidance. As our specialty faces big challenges, AAPM&R is helping physiatrists jump over those hurdles so that we have a bright future.

We are implementing transformations across the organization to support members, developing new resources, and BOLDLY stepping up our advocacy on behalf of physiatry and the patients we serve. We’re in this together, and we will be successful as we compete in the future of health care!

Be an active member in 2020 and maximize the value of your investment. Engage in forward-thinking discussions, get the best in PM&R-focused training to successfully compete and win, and give back to your specialty and help it advance. Join now!

Member Benefits

Strengthening the specialty of PM&R and supporting members’ practices and patients, AAPM&R offers a full depth and breadth of benefits designed to help PM&R physicians meet new challenges and build successful careers. From networking activities, to educational resources and career advice, we have it all!

Explore your membership benefits here.


How Can I Join AAPM&R?

  1. 12194A-1505Join online now by logging in with your username and password.
  2. Call the AAPM&R Member Services team at (847) 737-6000 from 8:30 am–5 pm (CT) to join over the phone. When joining over the phone, you must pay with a credit card.
  3. Or, email and our Member Services team will connect with you.

You can view and print membership applications here.


Moving Physiatry Forward

AAPM&R has been on a journey since 2016, gaining member input to create a new vision for the specialty. We gathered input from thousands of members and ultimately identified and created a unified vision for physiatry:

  • Physiatrists are the essential medical experts in value-based evaluation, diagnosis, and management of neuromusculoskeletal and disabling conditions.
  • Physiatrists are indispensable leaders in directing rehabilitation and recovery, and in preventing injury and disease.
  • Physiatrists are vital in optimizing outcomes and function early and throughout the continuum of patient care.

Now, the Academy is focused on how we can transform the specialty and make this vision a reality. To do this, we need the entire specialty to support this effort and get involved. We are stronger together!

Read more about the Academy's vision here.


About Us
