Current Opportunities to
Support AAPM&R

About Us


AAPM&R offers a variety of ways to get in front of more than 10,000 PM&R physicians to accommodate your brand awareness and advertising needs.

Get the latest updates on Corporate Support opportunities by signing up to become a Sponsor Insider below.

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Year-Round Opportunities

AAPM&R strives to build meaningful relationships with supporters. Click HERE for more details.

NEW: Click HERE to learn about advertising packages!

Don't see what you need? We will customize to fit your needs.

Print Advertising

  • The Physiatrist newsletter - AAPM&R's official membership publication is published 10 times a year and mailed to 10,000+ physiatrists. Download deadlines HERE.  
  • Annual Assembly Preliminary Program - Mailed to 10,000+ physiatrists. Deadline for 2023 is passed.
  • Annual Assembly Official Program - Distributed onsite to 3,000+ attendees. Order deadline is 8/8/23. Sizing details and insertion for Prelim and Official Programs can be found HERE.
  • Fillable insertion form is available HERE.

Digital Website Advertising

  • Reach a worldwide audience of PM&R physicians via the AAPM&R website, which averages 59,000 visitors per month. Members seeking information about clinical topics, health care & advocacy news, and Academy events.   
  • Annual Assembly website (now through February 2024) is the main source for information about conference. Exhibitors and sponsors also visit these pages for information on the PM&R Pavillion and ways to get involved.  
  • We offer retargeted advertising campaigns based on impressions. Details in the download below. 

Click HERE for digital website advertising details and order form.  

Digital Newsletter Advertising

  • AAPM&R Connection is a weekly members-only e-newsletter with timely Academy updates. Average distribution is 8,000 - 9,000. 
  • The Physiatrist in Training - developed by resident for residents, this quarterly e-newsletter helps Academy residents stay informed about updates in the specialty.  
  • AAPM&R offers the opportunity to promote your organization's latest achievements and innovations via sponsored content in the Connection e-newsletter.  Click HERE for details and pricing.  

Click HERE for digital newsletter pricing, advertising specifications and order form.   

Mailing List Rentals

  • AAPM&R offers mailing lists to rehabilitation-oriented institutions, organizations, publishers and businesses wishing to advertise their conferences, products, publications and services to 10,000+ AAPM&R members.  
  • Annual Assembly pre/post registrant mailing lists are available as well. 

Click HERE for mailing lists pricing and order form. 

Additional Opportunities

  • PM&R Panels is a forum of PM&R physicians based on criteria your organization selects for surveys, market research, advisory panels or focus groups.  Click HERE for details.   
  • AAPM&R is pleased to offer the ability to host a webinar for our members. Click HERE for details.  
  • Early Career Course Opportunities
  • Solutions for Institutions

Contact Meghan Strubel with questions:

Employment Opportunities
*opportunity available through the Job and Fellowship Board only