
Taking Care of Yourself and Your Patients

Members & Publications

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AAPM&R members: Even more resources are being shared between physiatrists in our Care in the Time of COVID-19 member forum on PhyzForum. Exchange important dialogue about your challenges, ask your questions and concerns as well as share resources with each other.

Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it's likely to be a stressful time for you. Responding to disasters is both rewarding and challenging work, yet it can take an emotional toll on you. We have gathered resources from a variety of organizations to help you during this crisis:

  • An anxiety screening test from the Mental Health America to help you find someone to talk to and resources to address your anxiety.

How to Protect Yourself from Infection

What to Do if You Have Been Exposed to a Patient with COVID-19

  • Interim U.S. guidance for how to assess risk, monitor for symptoms and understand work restriction decisions for health care professionals with potential exposure to COVID-19


Taking Care of Your Patients

Caring for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 and  At-Risk Populations 

  • The CDC provides clinical guidance for managing patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

How to Communicate with Patients about COVID-19

  • CDC travel notices for travelers and clinicians regarding current health issues that will impact travel
  • Additional communication resources can be found here.

If you can't find what you need or would like additional support, we're here to help. Contact us at (847) 737-6000 or email

*Note: For all content created by Hart Health Strategies, a Washington D.C.-based firm that provides federal regulatory/quality advocacy support services to complement initiatives and efforts of AAPM&R. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of AAPM&R.