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Stop Misuse of Prior Authorization

Feb 20, 2020, 11:55 by Lisa Borcovan

Support H.R. 3107—the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act Bill—on February 25

AAPM&R, in conjunction with the Regulatory Relief Coalition, wants to alert members of a coordinated, grassroots/social media campaign on Tuesday, February 25 to generate enthusiasm and support for the passage of H.R. 3107—the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2019 (H.R. 3107).

Introduced by Reps. Suzan DelBene (D-WA), Mike Kelly (R-PA), Roger Marshall, MD, (R-KS), and Ami Bera, MD, (D-CA), this bipartisan legislation would help protect patients from unnecessary delays in care by streamlining and standardizing prior authorization under the Medicare Advantage program, providing much-needed oversight and transparency of health insurance for America’s seniors.

AAPM&R, in collaboration with other medical specialty societies, has been advocating for this bill for almost a year and is urging members to participate in the Regulatory Relief Coalition’s Virtual Prior Authorization Advocacy Day on February 25. The campaign is timed to coincide with a markup of H.R. 3107 in the House Ways and Means Committee as early as the last week of February, first week of March. 

Find resources here including examples of social posts and letter templates to send to your Congressional representatives. Be a #PMRAdvocate and let your voice be heard on this important issue. Watch our social media feeds (Facebook: @AAPMRINFO, Twitter: @AAPMR and Instagram @AAPMR) on February 25 as we advocate to stop the misuse of prior authorization.