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Drs. Bell, Flanagan, Friedly, & Krabak: In the News, November 17, 2021

Nov 17, 2021, 01:00 by User Not Found
  • Kathleen Bell, MD, FAAPMR and Steven Flanagan, MD, FAAPMR, discuss long COVID symptoms in this WebMD article, “Long COVID: More Clues Coming, but No 'Aha' Moments Yet.” Read more.
  • Janna Friedly, MD, MPH, FAAPMR, shares advice for patients who have long COVID symptoms. Read more.
  • Brian Krabak, MD, MBS, FACSM, FAAPMR, was quoted in a New York Times article, “Students use Los Angeles Marathon as a way to keep going,” regarding a new consensus statement he helped develop with other sports medicine experts. Read more.

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