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AAPM&R Members Appointed to Low Back Pain Cost Measure Workgroup

Jun 8, 2021, 12:03 by User Not Found

This month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contractor Acumen announced appointments to its MACRA Episode-Based Cost Measure Wave 4 Clinician Expert Workgroups.

We are excited to share that Andrew H. Gordon, MD, PhD, FAAPMR and Carlo J.E. Milani, MD, MBA, FAAPMR were selected to represent physiatry on the Low Back Pain Workgroup. The workgroup is scheduled to meet Wednesday, June 23 to begin development of cost measures for low back pain.

Your Academy has actively participated in the previous waves of the Acumen cost measure development project since 2017.  We look forward to sharing additional insights about this process as the Low Back Pain Workgroup gets underway.

Andrew H. Gordon, MD, PhD, FAAPMR

(Dr. Andrew Gordon)

Carlo J.E. Milani, MD, MBA, FAAPMR

(Dr. Carlo Milani)