Jun 20, 2018, 09:02
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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) would like to remind health care professionals about the following upcoming Promoting Interoperability (PI) Program deadlines:
Formal Comments on the FY 2019 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and Long Term Acute Care Hospital (LTCH) Proposed Rule
Comments on the FY 2019 IPPS and LTCH proposed rule are due no later than 5 p.m. ET on Monday, June 25, 2018. The public can submit comments by one of several ways:
- Electronically
- Through the “submit a comment” instructions on the Federal Register
- By regular, express or overnight mail
- By hand or courier
Measure Proposals for Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program
CMS encourages you to submit measure proposals for the Annual Call for Measures for eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) participating in the PI Program. Proposals must be submitted to CMSCallforMeasuresEHR@Ketchum.com by Friday, June 29, 2018.
EHR Hardship Exception Application
Medicare eligible hospitals and CAHs may be considered exempt from Medicare penalties and avoid a payment adjustment, if they can show that demonstrating meaningful use would result in a significant hardship. To be considered, health care providers must submit the 2019 Eligible Hospital Hardship Exception Application to ehrhardship@cms.hhs.gov and provide proof of hardship by Sunday, July 1, 2018.
For More Information
For more information about these deadlines, please visit the
PI Programs website.