Aug 6, 2020, 10:55
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On August 4, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2021 Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System (OPPS/ASC) Proposed Rule.
The rule addresses several proposed new policies which, if implemented, would move the payment system toward site neutrality. The rule proposes elimination of the Inpatient Only List over a 3-year transitional period, making many new procedures eligible for payment in the hospital outpatient setting. Further, CMS is proposing to expand the ASC Covered Procedures List, to allow for coverage of many new procedures when performed in the ASC.
Your Academy is working to review this new proposed rule in detail and will share further information as it becomes available. CMS has published a fact sheet, detailing specifics from the rule.